Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I honestly don't understand the meaning of tutorials in school. I thought we were paying the teachers/instructors/professors to teach us not now to directions from a text? I personally am one of those people who don't learn anything from a tutorial. I learn by someone teaching me, showing me a couple of times how to do it, explaining it and myself practicing. Tutorials to me are just instructions in a book as if you were assembling something, you don't quite know how to do it nor understand the instructions you just follow them. And as for me, I don't comprehend things well, I have to be shown a few times some more than others then I have to practice more than once. I can't just read something and pick up on it; my mind unfortunately doesn't work that way. I just wish they would leave tutorials for guides of self teaching/studying and leave the classroom teaching/instruction to the teachers!

Recreation of a Movie Poster

 I have to recreate a movie poster. This should be interesting. I have to recreate the poster with my own uniqueness, from the font, text, title, background, people, etc. I've never considered the difficulties until now. I have decided to recreate Final Destination 3, which is going to be allot of fun on my part. I have researched the pictures and seen the DVD covers so I have an idea at least a thought process going. However I want this poster to be one of the best projects I've done thus far and possibly become one of my most proudest in the future. I find this poster may be a test of my skills that I've learned so far, to see how much I've learned, how much I've obtained, and maybe to see if I can stand on my own? perhaps? I don't know yet, but we are about to find out.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Fight Club

A very interesting movie, if you haven't seen it I strongly suggest that you do. Considering this movie is great with effects and angels. I thought this movie was weird, but it’s just different, an alter ego based movie, as usual you don't really know this until the end, however this movie in particular is hard to pin point. The graphics in the attempted suicide seen is very well done. The graphics in the insomnia seen with the trashcan is great and well done also. Personally I thought it was awesome. There are many more, those just happen to stand out more than others. The angles during the fight scenes, the angles in the street walks, the love scene, and many more were well planned and well shot. This is a great movie and well done.

What movie do you find was done well, what angles, or graphics stand out?

Monday, July 11, 2011

I have Learned So Much In Just Two Weeks!!

In the past two weeks I've learned about C.R.A.P., Typography, Face Font, Font Family, the elements of graphic design, color, and so much more!! :) I never thought I would learn in two weeks what I did in just one day, nor did I think I’d learn in two weeks what I have. I am proud of myself for my accomplishments thus far, creating a logo, bringing it to the computer on black and white scale, grey scale, and color, making an identity package for my logo. I am excited to learn more and create more.

This class has completely changed how I see life and the movement on everything. When I took television production it changed the way I looked at movies and film. This class has changed the way I see color, shapes, lines, signs, and advertising. Designing has made me appreciate the things I see on a deeper level beneath the color, and message, it gives me a new perspective of how the designer came up with the design, and why. Graphics has given me a fresh look on things.

What gives you a fresh look on things? why?

Friday, July 1, 2011

Quite a Learning Experience

I've had quite a learning experience the past two days. Unfortunately my instructor has been out sick yesterday and today. However, I've managed to get much done and still learn alot. Yesterday I learned how to make hazard designs, it was complicated and I made many mistakes, but I learned a great deal of new material. Today I brought one of my logo designs to life and it was great. It was a major self-conscience accomplishment. Of course its armature and rough, but that's what the learning process is all about!! :)

What's Learning with out mistakes?

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Graphic Design and Multimedia?

If you would have asked me about three to four years ago what field are you going into? I definitely would NOT have said Graphic Design and Multimedia. I would have however said Culinary Arts. For the longest and even now food has been my passion, yet my high school messed up my schedule in tenth grade and took my culinary arts from me my jr. and sr. year, all the while I had television production my four years of high school which developed my new second passion for graphics arts and multimedia. I just started school this week and I've already learned so much. I've been working on logos and designing my own logos. I can tell you right now, it is NOT easy!! As I mentioned in my earlier blog from yesterday, "10 Things That Make a Good Logo" there is more than you can think of to take into consideration. I've learned that there is much planning that goes into graphic designing, whether it’s one tiny detail or a large group of things. Just in the past three days I've learned font face, font styles, C.R.A.P. (Contrast Repetition Alignment Proximity), some color, how to work the layers, "became one with the pin tool", and much more. This field is going to be a challenge, but it will be a challenge I am willing to face, confront, and win!! :)

If you were asked three to four years ago where you would be today, what would be your answer? Where are you today?

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

10 Things That Make a Good Logo

The five principles of effective logo design are your ground work: Simplicity, Memorable, Timeless, Versatile, and Appropriate.
Simplicity- you want your work to be simple and to the point.
Memorable- you want to make your logo worth remembering, after all it is a signature of who you are. example McDonald's, everyone remembers the big M.
Timeless- You want a logo that will last a life time. A great logo lasts through out generations with a few altercations and updates such as the coca-cola logo, its a logo we all grew up with and know and love and will still be here for many more generations to come.
Versatile- Your logo should be functional across a variety of mediums and applications.
Appropriate- Your design/logo should be appropriate to your company.

Represent the company, Effective with out color, Scalable, Relevant, Be Unique, should be the next five things you should think about when making a great logo.
Represent the Company- Does your logo represent the company at its best? when someone sees your logo are they gonna be able to just glance at it and know what company it belongs too and pop out enticing them to that product/company?
Effective with out color- A great logo should be able to stand out with out color. Your design alone should have the eye catching, jaw dropping, "OMGOSH I have to go there", "I have to have that", effect on the public. Color its self should only be an enhancement to your logo.
Scalable- Your logo should be able to work from just an inch in size to a humungous billboard.
Relevant- Your logo should always be relevant to the company, no one is going to purchase that product, nor visit that place if they see a logo that is all over the place, it isn't going to grab their attention, its going to give them a confusion headache and cause them to go elsewhere and thus you lose the clients.
Be Unique- Think what hasn't been done yet, think of what would catch the public's attention and give it the "wow" factor.

When designing a great logo you want to take these ten things into major consideration. While thinking like the company, the public and bringing yourself into the design as well. Keep in mind while designing your work is your signature, every piece represents you as well as the company, so do your very best self.

Think about this while designing and creating:  would you want to put your self out in the public if you weren't at your best?